Monday, August 21, 2017

You were born Rich by Bob Proctor

You were born Rich by Bob Proctor

Finally: The truth about all those insidious and deceitful lies about money and wealth that keep most people living in lack and deprivation...

"The Astonishingly Easy Secrets to Using What You Already Have To Achieve Anything You Want"

"Regardless of How Your Life May
Presently Appear to You,
You Were Truly Born Rich!"
- Bob Proctor

And here are just a few that understand that better than they ever have before:

"This course is the most wonderful personal development course I have EVER seen or read!" - Gene Miller, Minnesota

"This is a great program! I would love my family and friends to have this program for their own health & prosperity!" - Terry Fry, California
"Through the entire program, I could relate to the "old" me and many family members  and associates as to why we are the way we are.  Everything in this program was so absolutely powerful..." - Millie Troth, Colorado

 Bob Proctor   John Kanary
   "Every human being has been 'Born Rich.'  It's just that most people are temporarily a little short of money!"  With those words Bob Proctor begins his International best-selling book You Were Born Rich."
   To say this book has changed lives is an understatement.  One reader was so overcome by its simple truths that he bought 30,000 copies for the people in his company!

     It was that kind of success that led Bob and fellow Canadian, John Kanary, to develop the You Were Born Rich seminar and audio/video program.  Like the book, the seminar and program have touched thousands of lives around the globe.  A  subscriber, Leone S., recently wrote, "I attended this seminar in New Zealand in June of this year and am now working with the visualisation, audio tapes and workbook every day.   I have attended many personal growth workshops over the past 15 years and Born Rich is really the most amazing seminar I have experienced.  Every time I re-listen to the tapes I learn something deeper."

For the first time ever, this "amazing seminar" was conducted in a special tele-seminar format.  In the personal and intimate environment of a small group, Bob and John shared some of the concepts that have made this seminar a blockbuster hit around the globe.  Here's just some of what they taught:

Why your self esteem and self image has everything to do with your current life's results and how to quickly develop a "big money image."

The Keys to breaking through the "Terror Barrier" that's holding you back from going after what you really want.

The concept of money, how YOU think about it, and how you SHOULD think about it.

Using the "Vacuum Law of Prosperity" -- the Universe can't give you what you want until you let go of what you're holding onto.

Getting financially organized for greater income increases.

How to recognize and use the Law of Vibration to make succeeding easy.

Steps to letting go of the past that holds you back from the life you deserve.

The Comfort Zone - why you must break out of it and how to do it.

Tapping into your creative power (we all have it) for phenomenal, surprising changes.

The keys to living on a higher level of conscious awareness that will explode the wealth opportunities in your life.

Permanently changing your attitude and expectation of abundance.

The fastest and easiest way to change any bad habit.

Understanding universal laws - how everything in your life (or future life) has been or can be attracted into your life.

Why risk taking isn't as risky as it seems and how to easily overcome your fear of risks.

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